Today those of us in the music industry are taking a step back from our usual self-promotion to recognize that sometimes, the show must NOT go on. Because although we artists must become gifted at drawing attention if we are to have any hope of standing out, it is also our moral imperative to use those skills to draw attention away from ourselves at times, and to shine whatever light we can on issues that are far more important.
In response to the horrific murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other black men and women who have lost their lives to disgraceful police brutality and racist vigilantes, Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang have organized #BlackoutTuesday: a day of musical and promotional silence. Today, #TheShowMustBePaused .
Please: visit, read about this day of silence and then scroll down to see some of the ways that you can make a practical difference in the fight for racial justice and equality. Talking about these issues is important, but action matters more. Whether through signing a petition, donating to the bail funds of jailed protestors, helping the families of the victims, or reading up on how you can be a better ally, this website has the resources for you.