All right friends, let me be blunt:
If you take issue with what’s been happening in this country over the past two years – from putting children in cages to breaking treaties to ignoring global warming to lifting pollution regulations to open demagoguery and hate speech to huge tax cuts for the wealthy to degrading our most sacred institutions to trying to kick tens of millions of people off healthcare to putting a hyperpartisan probable sexual assaulter on the supreme court (and the oval office) to mocking women who were sexually assaulted to lauding some KKK members and neo-Nazis as “good people” and on and on and on and ON – you have to vote.
If you do not vote, you have lost the right to complain about the moral and practical atrocity that we are dealing with, because – quite simply – you are partially to blame. And if you throw a vote to some 3rd party candidate whom you know has exactly zero chance of winning, you are partially to blame, too. You don’t like voting for the “lesser of two evils”? That’s what morality IS. Rarely in life are moral choices a contrast between good and evil (although frankly this is about as close as it comes), and moral people choose what will make the most practical difference for the best possible outcome.
The best possible output in this election is incredibly clear: to put gigantic obstacles in the path of liars and bigots and thieves, and to send a loud and clear message to the Liar/Bigot/Thief in Chief that we are better than this. Better than HIM.
Be better. Show up to vote, bring as many friends as you can with you, and vote Democrat. Share this post, if you think it will influence even one person. Stop the bleeding. Plug the leak to prevent the ship from sinking. Then, in two years, we will finally be positioned to change course.